A celebratory engraving of the activities of the Académie des Sciences from 1698.

Papers and presentations



  • Cristina Setti, “Comptabilité et commerce du sacré au XVIIe siècle. Pratiques globales et locales d’échange et de consommation dans les livres des charges et decharges de la Custodia Terrae Sanctae”, paper presented at the 11th Summer School of Economic History / 11e École d’été d’histoire économique Les espaces du commerce aux époques médiévale et moderne. Institutions, échelles et dynamiques, organized by the Laboratoire Framespa of the University Jean Jaurès of Toulouse, the CNRS and other French academic institutions and university departments, Susa, 27-29/08/2023
  • Felicita Tramontana, “The Custody of the Holy Land and the “Globalization of Catholicism (17th-18th centuries)”, paper presented at the New European College, Bucharest, 26/06/2023
  • Felicita Tramontana, “Libri Mastri della Custodia di Terra Santa: approcci metodologici e prospettive di ricerca”, paper presented at the Tavola Ovale di Storia Moderna organized by Massimo Rospocher e Sandra Toffolo (FBK-ISIG), Trento, 21/04/2023
  • Felicita Tramontana, “A Mobility Infrastructure? The Commissariats of the Holy Land through Their Account Books“, paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, panel Globalizing Catholicism Through the Holy Land Commissariats organized by Megan C. Armstrong, San Juan, 11/03/2023
  • Fabrizio Filioli Uranio, “L’Obra Pía de los Santos Lugares e la Custodia di Terra Santa: la circolazione globale delle elemosine e del credito nella Monarchia spagnola (secoli XV-XVIII)”, paper presented at the conference 1622. Essere universali nel mondo cattolico. Monarchie iberiche e Papato tra gestione del sacro, santità, pratiche missionarie ed evangelizzazione, Rome, 30/11/2022-2/12/2022, organized by Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (EEHAR-CSIC), Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (INSR), Pontificia Università Lateranense, Red Columnaria/COREDEX, Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea (ISEM-CNR), Università Roma Tre (Dipartimenti DSU e FILCOSPE)
