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Papers and presentations
- José Araneda Riquelme and Mattia Corso, “From the Holy Land to the New World: Franciscan Almsgiving and Devotional Objects between the Middle East, Rome, and Spanish America (17th century)”, paper presented within the session Religious Agents Connecting the Iberian World to Holy Land and Rome at the conference Transnational Circulation of Devotional Objects through Religious Orders: between the Iberian World and Rome organized by the ProJestArt Research Group, Biblioteca Hertziana, Rome, 04-05/02/2025
- Felicita Tramontana, Antonio Iodice, and José Araneda, “Holy Cash Flows. La circolazione di denaro spagnolo verso la Terra Santa (1650-1700)”, paper presented within the panel Verso Levante: circolazione e negozio delle pezze da otto dall’America al Mediterraneo Orientale at the conference Il commercio dell’argento spagnolo nel Mediterraneo in età moderna: la finanza italiana e la catena globale dei metalli preziosi (secoli XVI-XVII), CNR – Ecole Française, Rome, 09-10/01/2025
- Felicita Tramontana, “Franciscan Account Books as a Source for the Study of Early Modern Mobility”, paper presented at the workshop Digital Humanities and Mobility Studies: An ERC Perspective, Padua, 03/10/2024
- Sandra Toffolo, “On the Use of Digital Humanities for the History of Early Modern Mobility: An Historiographical Overview”, paper presented at the workshop Digital Humanities and Mobility Studies: An ERC Perspective, Padua, 03/10/2024
- Rebecca Carnevali and Antonio Iodice, “Cash, People, and Objects’ Simultaneous Mobility analysed through HOLYLAB, the Database of the Custody of the Holy Land, 17th-18th Centuries”, paper presented at the workshop Digital Humanities and Mobility Studies: An ERC Perspective, Padua, 03/10/2024
- Rebecca Carnevali and Antonio Iodice, “Alternative or Complementary Views?: New Mediterranean and Atlantic Connections from HOLYLAB, the Database of the Custody of the Holy Land, 17th-18th Centuries”, paper presented at the 9th IMHA Congress of Maritime History, panel New Perspectives of Mediterranean Maritime Connections with the Atlantic World (17th-18th c.), Busan, 21/08/2024
- Felicita Tramontana, “In the pirate nest: Pirates, corsairs and the circulation of friars and objects across the Mediterranean”, paper presented at the 9th IMHA Congress of Maritime History, panel The Challenges of an Organizational Network in the Early Modern Globalized Landscape: Cost-Effectiveness, Smuggling, Travelling and Shipping in the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, Busan, 20/08/2024
- Mattia Corso, “Illicit shipments across the ocean: The Custody of the Holy Land and the campaign against the global trade in counterfeit holy objects in the eighteenth century”, paper presented at the 9th IMHA Congress of Maritime History, panel The Challenges of an Organizational Network in the Early Modern Globalized Landscape: Cost-Effectiveness, Smuggling, Travelling and Shipping in the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, Busan, 20/08/2024
- Sandra Toffolo, “Preparing for a sea voyage: The practicalities of early modern voyages to the Holy Land”, paper presented at the 9th IMHA Congress of Maritime History, panel The Challenges of an Organizational Network in the Early Modern Globalized Landscape: Cost-Effectiveness, Smuggling, Travelling and Shipping in the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, Busan, 20/08/2024
- Antonio Iodice, “Tracking and Pricing Long-Distance Geographic Mobility of Franciscan Friars and Commodities in Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean”, paper presented at the 9th IMHA Congress of Maritime History, panel The Challenges of an Organizational Network in the Early Modern Globalized Landscape: Cost-Effectiveness, Smuggling, Travelling and Shipping in the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, Busan, 20/08/2024
- Sandra Toffolo, “Moving in new directions: The mobilities turn and its effects on the study of early modern mobility”, paper presented within the panel Grounding Truth: Critical and Data-Driven Approaches to the History of Travel at the Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations – DH 2024, Arlington (VA), 08/08/2024
- Felicita Tramontana, “The St. Saviour Monastery in Jerusalem and its Participation in Local Economic Networks (17th Century)”, paper presented within the panel Franciscans in the Early Modern Ottoman World at the “Early Modern Ottoman Studies (EMOS), Conference II – Institutions, Networks, and Economic Change in the Early Modern Ottoman World”, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 28/06/2024
- Manuel Capomaccio, “Harmony and Dissonance: Exploring the Interplay between the Franciscan Custody of The Holy Land and the Jerusalem Sharia Court in the 17th Century”, paper presented within the panel Franciscans in the Early Modern Ottoman World at the “Early Modern Ottoman Studies (EMOS) Conference II – Institutions, Networks, and Economic Change in the Early Modern Ottoman World”, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 28/06/2024
- Antonio Iodice, “(Poor) Accounting for God: Solvability and Money Transfer in the Custody of the Holy Land’s Franciscan Network (XVII century)”, paper presented within the panel I b Religion and Enterprise at the Economic and Business History Society and Association of Business Historians Annual Conference, York (UK), 27/06/2024
- Cristina Setti, “Amministrare il sacro in età moderna: Network statali, imperiali e religiosi tra Europa e Levante“, paper presented at the Tavola Ovale di Storia Moderna organized by Massimo Rospocher and Sandra Toffolo FBK- ISIG, Trento, 27/06/2024
- Antonio Iodice, “A Mendicant Network: the Custody of the Holy Land and its European Commissariats in the Seventeenth Century”, paper presented at the Sixth International Conference of the Mediterranean Maritime History Network (MMHN), organized by the Centre of Maritime History, Institute For Mediterranean Studies (IMS-FORTH), Rethymno (Greece) 27-31/05/2024
- Mattia Corso, “Between Devotion and Exploitation: Natural Sites and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries“, paper presented at the Thirteenth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity, Palermo, 14-16/05/2024
- Sandra Toffolo, “Situating Encounter in Urban Spaces: The Case of Renaissance Venice“, paper presented at the conference Objects and Spaces of Encounter in Renaissance Italy, FBK-ISIG, Trento, 15-17/04/2024
- Felicita Tramontana, Hélène Vu Thanh, “Autour des livres de comptes en contexte missionnaire (Palestine, Japon)“, paper presented at the seminar of the EHESS Prosélytismes, Paris, 03/05/2024
- Felicita Tramontana, “No Global? The Global Expansion of Catholicism and the Custody of the Holy Land through Franciscan Account Books (Seventeenth Century)”, paper presented at the international conference Accounting Practices and Religious Orders in Missionary Territories, Roma Tre University – Istituto Svizzero, Rome, 24-25/01/2024
- Cristina Setti, “Venice and the Custody of the Holy Land between the 16th and the 17th centuries. Political and financial transitions on the Mediterranean and Levantine area“, paper presented at the international conference: The Venetian State, the Greek Territories and their Stories (13th-18th centuries). Conference in Honour of Anastasia Papadia-Lala, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1-3/11/2023
- Sandra Toffolo, “The Material Culture of Mobility: the Books of a Pilgrim between Italy, Switzerland, and the Holy Land“, paper presented at the conference Imprimere l’evento. La stampa come mass medium tra Italia e Germania (origini-1515), FBK-ISIG, Trento, 25-26/09/2023
- Cristina Setti, “Comptabilité et commerce du sacré au XVIIe siècle. Pratiques globales et locales d’échange et de consommation dans les livres des charges et decharges de la Custodia Terrae Sanctae”, paper presented at the 11th Summer School of Economic History / 11e École d’été d’histoire économique Les espaces du commerce aux époques médiévale et moderne. Institutions, échelles et dynamiques, organized by the Laboratoire Framespa of the University Jean Jaurès of Toulouse, the CNRS and other French academic institutions and university departments, Susa, 27-29/08/2023
- Felicita Tramontana, “The Custody of the Holy Land and the “Globalization of Catholicism” (17th-18th centuries)”, paper presented at the New European College, Bucharest, 26/06/2023
- Felicita Tramontana, “Libri Mastri della Custodia di Terra Santa: approcci metodologici e prospettive di ricerca”, paper presented at the Tavola Ovale di Storia Moderna organized by Massimo Rospocher and Sandra Toffolo, FBK-ISIG, Trento, 21/04/2023
- Felicita Tramontana, “A Mobility Infrastructure? The Commissariats of the Holy Land through Their Account Books“, paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, panel Globalizing Catholicism Through the Holy Land Commissariats organized by Megan C. Armstrong, San Juan, 11/03/2023
- Fabrizio Filioli Uranio, “L’Obra Pía de los Santos Lugares e la Custodia di Terra Santa: la circolazione globale delle elemosine e del credito nella Monarchia spagnola (secoli XV-XVIII)”, paper presented at the conference 1622. Essere universali nel mondo cattolico. Monarchie iberiche e Papato tra gestione del sacro, santità, pratiche missionarie ed evangelizzazione, organized by Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma (EEHAR-CSIC), Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani (INSR), Pontificia Università Lateranense, Red Columnaria/COREDEX, Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea (ISEM-CNR) and Università Roma Tre (Dipartimenti DSU e FILCOSPE), Rome, 30/11/2022-2/12/2022