1563 Portolan chart of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and Northeastern Atlantic Ocean by Giacomo Maggiolo


How to reach us

You can find us at HOLYLAB host institution, the Department of Political Science, located in Via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Rome (RM), Italy.

Write us an e-mail

For any question on the project you can write to the PI, Prof. Felicita Tramontana (felicita.tramontana@uniroma3.it).

Dr. Manuel Capomaccio (manuel.capomaccio@uniroma3.it) is responsible for the pages ‘Team Members’, ‘Outputs’, ‘News’, and ‘Contacts’; Dr. Rebecca Carnevali (rebecca.carnevali@uniroma3.it) for the pages ‘Homepage’, ‘The Project’, and ‘MISGLOB’.